Our Laser Services

Eliminate your nail fungus problem quickly and easily. No medications, no surgery, no lotions or creams. Our Nd:YAG laser achieves results superior to any other.

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Forget the painful, never-ending traditional treatments for warts. Our laser can knock out your warts in one or two treatments. Your warts will simply dry up and fall off.

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Our ablative Er:YAG laser can safely (and painlessly) shave away benign moles. Within a week the spot heals — and where you once had a mole, now you have clear, fresh skin!

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If you have an unsightly blemish or pigmented lesion you would prefer not to see in the mirror anymore, we can help. We can remove it safely and without surgery — today.

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Suffering with acute or chronic acne problems? The solution could be simpler than you ever imagined. Our computerized laser scanner is FAST and SAFE and highly effective.

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Tired of those unsightly veins on your legs (or face, or side of your nose)? We have the safest, most effective laser on the market for erasing your spider veins. It's almost like magic.

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Combine our computerized Nd:YAG scanner for skin tightening and our Er:YAG laser for removing fine lines and wrinkles ... You'll easily look 10 years younger!

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Never shave again! You can enjoy 100% perfect coverage with our computerized scanner. Treatments are FAST and the results the finest in the industry.

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Tired of your hands making you look 10 years older than you are? Tired of having to worry about covering up spots with makeup? Simple laser solution!

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